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Dhanya Refrigeration Co LLC .

P.O.Box 22209, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Location : Dhanya Road,Nr:Maza Signal,Sharjah

Company Profile

DHANYA REFRIGERATION CO L.L.C With temperatures reaching record highs year after year, it comes as no surprise that air conditioning systems and refrigeration have become a way of life in the Middle East that has been taken for granted. We at Dhanya Refrigeration strive to provide the best air conditioning and refrigeration products in the United Arab Emirates. Our technicians are trained regularly to handle all products safely and correctly in order to ensure you get what you want, the first time around. We are proud to say we are the sole distributors of DUPONT, DENSO and GOODYEAR products in the U.A.E. We also source our products from market leaders like HARRIS, ARKEMA, HELLENIC CABLES S.A, DANFOSS, IMPERIAL, YILIN, UNIWELD, COOLKING, ROBINAIR, FORMULA, and SUNISO.

Timely and Exceptional Service

At Dhanya Refrigeration we understand that delivering services consistently, efficiently and in a timely manner matters to our valued customers. Our local sales teams in different locations across the U.A.E are trained to be responsive to our customers needs and provide outstanding service. We strive for operational excellence by implementing projects and strategies to reduce the time taken at every stage. Our local knowledge and long history have helped us become an industry leader in the Middle East. Our services are sought after by overseas customers who recognize our ability to provide the best products at the best prices.

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