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Gulf Drilling International Ltd

P.O.Box 9072, Qatar

Company Profile

On May 2004, Gulf Drilling International Limited (GDI) was established as the first onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling company in Qatar. GDI was formed as a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum (QP), Qatar’s national oil corporation, and Japan Drilling Co., Ltd. (JDC).

Safety is our core value and fundamental point of focus. We are committed to providing a safe workplace for our human capital and nothing is more important than keeping people safe from harm.

Our GOAL ZER0 ambition is to achieve ZER0 harm to Personnel and ZER0 damage to our equipment or the environment across all GDI operations. Everyone working for GDI will pledge to achieve this goal in every task, every single day.

To achieve GOAL ZER0 – we focus on the following key areas of safety hazards which have the highest potential risks for our activities; Personnel, Environment, Process, and Operations.

We set consistent, high safety standards across the GDI fleet and we require all our employees and contractors, whether they work in an office or on rigs/barges (onshore & offshore), or in support services facilities (DSSA), to comply.

Tools such as GDI ESSENTIALS and Essential Observations Reporting Module ensure that safety in GDI is everybody’s job. GDI have various controls in place to ensure that Safety is of paramount importance.

Our world-class Quality and Safety Management system ensures that we remain fully committed to a system of continual improvement to create a competitive advantage for our customers and stakeholders.

Rigs that don’t lose man-hours due to injury or incur downtime due to equipment damage will perform better which in turn is value added towards the client’s operation.

GDI benchmarks itself internally to strict performance expectations set to challenging levels and reviewed every year. By setting such lofty expectations we have managed to achieve marked improvement in our safety records over the years on the basis of continual improvement.

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