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618 Kingdom of Bahrain Oil & Gas Directory Middle East - 2018 Oil & Gas Directory Middle East - 2018 ALPHABETICAL SECTION - OTHER MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES A Arabital Shipping Bahrain ................................. 17 250808 Bahrain Pipes Factory ...................................... 17 786607 East Aluminium WLL ........................................ 17 785704 Bahrain Switchgear & Lighting Industries ........... 17 732136 East West Trading International ......................... 17 456122 Aramex International Courier ............................ 17 330434 Artistry Advertising & Public Relations ............... 17 311288 Bahrain Trading Agencies ................................. 17 768181 Eastern Asphalt & Mixed Concrete Co WLL ........ 17 701386 Arzanah Building Const Est ............................... 17 716665 Bahrain Workshop Company ............................. 17 253289 Eastern Industrial & Oilfelds Services ................ 17 565522 Ascon Control WLL .......................................... 17 730724 Bahrain Yacht Club ........................................... 17 700677 Ebrahim Abdul Aal Group of Companies ............ 17 533888 Ashbee Consultancy......................................... 17 737999 Bait Al Bahrain ................................................. 17 740721 Ebrahim Awadi & Sons ..................................... 17 400171 Ashraf Brothers WLL ........................................ 17 534439 Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids ............................. 17 710701 Elasco Products LLC ........................................ 66 699966 Atlas Copco Services Middle East ..................... 17 221551 Banz Trading & Contracting WLL ....................... 17 738816 electrIcAl mAcHIne IndustrIes (BAHrAIn) Atlas Electrical Equipment Est ........................... 17 240035 BDO Jawad Habib ............................................ 17 530077 W.l.l. Atlas Industrial Supplies ................................... 17 701722 Bees Kingdom ................................................. 17 333387 Box 5696 .................................................... 17 830710 Atlas Travel & Cargo WLL ................................. 17 273220 Behzad Irinatech WLL....................................... 17 703565 Fax............................................................... 17 830709 Auma Actuators Middle East FZCO .................... 17 896585 Berger Paints Bahrain WLL ............................... 17 123700 See Advertisement on Page 225 Austin Paden Foundations LLC ......................... 43 207747 BFG International ............................................. 17 727063 Electromec ...................................................... 17 233779 Avalon Audio Video & Home Technology ............ 17 230322 Bhatia & Co ( Bahrain) WLL .............................. 17 730121 Electrotech ...................................................... 17 310308 Avis Rent A Car ................................................ 17 531144 BICC Met WLL ................................................. 17 749761 Elite Hospitality ................................................ 17 558200 Awal Asphalt .................................................... 17 230580 Biljeek Aluminium ............................................ 17 253131 Eltec Bahrain Ltd ............................................. 17 401699 Awal Commercial Enterprises LLC ..................... 17 261666 Blast Tech Bahrain Trading................................ 17 466405 Eman Aluminium.............................................. 17 786676 Awal Digi ......................................................... 17 293388 Bodycote Testing Group Ltd .............................. 17 830502 Ematco Factory ................................................ 17 830036 Awal Express WLL............................................ 17 702828 Bokhammas Establishment .............................. 17 714174 EMCO WLL ...................................................... 17 272796 Awal Gulf Manufacturing Co ............................. 17 738333 Boskalis Westminister Middle East Ltd. ................... 535757 Emirates Skycargo ................................................ 329293 Awal Products Co Ltd SPC ................................ 17 813535 BoskAlIs WestmInster contrActInG EMS International............................................. 17 536973 Awal Refrigeration & Airconditioning .................. 17 293388 lImIted Engineer Marine Services ................................. 17 729706 Bab Al Hawa Ij ................................................. 17 701115 Box 10630 .................................................. 17535757 Engineering Materials International Co .............. 17 785122 Bahrain Airport Services ................................... 17 321445 Fax............................................................... 17535775 Engineering Projects Consultant ........................ 17 533393 Bahrain Alloys Manufacturing Co BSC ............... 17 830011 See Advertisement on Page 211,210 Ernst & Young Accountants & Auditors ............... 17 535455 Bahrain Blinds Manufacturer ............................ 17 735454 Brandassociates .............................................. 17 877966 Eureastth ........................................................ 17 731616 Bahrain Car Hiring Co....................................... 17 534343 BRC Weldmesh ( Gulf ) WLL .............................. 17 728222 Europcar ......................................................... 17 321249 Bahrain Energy Services Co. ............................. 17 224456 Breeze Central Airconditioning Contracting ........ 17 874523 Exova Ltd ( Bahrain ) ........................................ 17 830502 Bahrain Fibreglass Commercial Services ........... 17 727400 Bridge Workshop ............................................ 17 252474 Fairbuild Contracting WLL................................. 17 268200 Bahrain Foundation Construction Co. Wll ........... 17 826430 Bu Ali Catering Est ........................................... 17 231853 Fairmech Wll ................................................... 17 268200 Bahrain Gas .................................................... 17 531111 Bahrain Maintenance & Diving Buchen Irm Abdulaal WLL................................. 17 737352 Fakhro Commercial Services ............................ 17 220000 Services WLL ................................................ 17 700731 Budget Rent A Car ........................................... 17 534100 Fakhro Shipping Agency Ltd. ............................ 17 827940 Bahrain Marine Contracting .............................. 17 731325 Bureau Veritas ................................................. 17 877574 Falcon Industries WLL ...................................... 17 703005 Bahrain Marine Supply Company ...................... 17 727600 Byrne Equipment Rental WLL ............................ 17 461402 Falcon Trading Co WLL ..................................... 17 737077 Bahrain Maritime & Mercantile International ...... 17 739444 California Carpets Centre WLL .......................... 17 310414 Fame Safety Co WLL ........................................ 17 243110 Bahrain Mechanical Construction Co. ................ 17 725027 Caltex Bahrain ................................................. 17 709020 Farmech WLL .................................................. 17 268200 Bahrain Medical & Industrial Gas Plants ............ 17 400469 Capital Electrical Equipment ............................. 17 273141 Farry Kazerooni Architects ................................ 17 277101 Bahrain Mineral Co. W.L.L. ............................... 17 730540 Cassia & Partners ............................................ 17 530477 Fast Flow Services ........................................... 17 723770 Bahrain National Gas Co ................................... 17 756222 Catman WLL.................................................... 17 610061 Fawaz Refrigeration & Airconditioning Group ...... 17 229744 Bahrain Overseas Travel & Cargo ...................... 17 294174 CCMI (Bahrain) WLL ......................................... 17 402624 Faz Trading & Supplies Co WLL ......................... 17 224214 CGS ( Al Saadi Refrigeration Air Conditioning ) ... 17 703045 Fedex Express ................................................. 17 334448 Charles Kendall Freight Ltd ............................... 17 725737 Fine Foods ...................................................... 17 727300 Chemical Services Bahrain ............................... 17 714060 Focus Group Holding Company WLL.................. 17 534044 Chevron Bahrain .............................................. 17 709020 Forex Cargo ..................................................... 17 242480 Chevron Texaco Middle East/North Africa Inc...... 17 538899 Furmanite ........................................................ 17 735678 Circle Freight International ................................ 17 735355 Future Advertising ............................................ 17 252808 BAHRAIN PETROLEUM COMPANY B.S.C. City Glass ........................................................ 17 874492 GAC Bahrain .................................................... 17 339777 (CLOSED) - BAPCO Cleantec .......................................................... 17 275900 Gamah Trading ................................................ 17 296428 P.O. Box 25555, Awali . . . . . . . . .+973-17-704040 Comsip Al A'Ali WLL ......................................... 17 773006 Gardner Denver International Ltd ...................... 17 813187 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+973-17-704070 Consolidated Contractors Company WLL ........... 17 221151 GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre .................. 17 278000 E-mail: [email protected] Consolidated Shipping Line - Bahrain ................ 17 540106 GE Communications ......................................... 17 550043 Website: Continental Auto Rental .................................... 17 212100 Gharib Engineering Est ..................................... 17 749049 Contact: Dr. Peter Bartlett - Chief Executive Cool Land Air Conditioning Workshop ................ 17 763258 Global Bahrain ................................................. 17 540080 Corrosion & Technical Services ......................... 17 830499 Global Chemium Est ......................................... 17 763065 See Profle on Page 13 & Advertisement on Cosmos Projects Trading .................................. 17 732170 Global Construction Material ............................. 17 786020 Page 372,373,377,417,458 Cowi - Almoayed Gulf ....................................... 17 244227 Global International .......................................... 17 789255 Creative Advertising & Promotion Co WLL ......... 17 246488 Golden Fire & Safety Engineering Co ................. 17 241478 Crystal Drop - The Water Masters ..................... 17 737551 Goltens Bahrain Co. S.P.C. ................................ 17 727301 D K Karani & Bros WLL..................................... 17 294431 Grant Thornton Abdulaal ................................... 17 500188 Dasman Airconditioning WLL ............................ 17 241360 Group 4 Bahrain WLL ....................................... 17 714409 Davenport Campbell Middle East ...................... 17 212606 Gulf Agency Co. WLL ........................................ 17 814500 Delmon Building Materials Co ........................... 17 400508 Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill Co BSC ................... 17 731000 Delmon Clearing Company WLL ........................ 17 728089 Gulf Audit ........................................................ 17 500188 Deloitte & Touche ............................................. 17 214490 Gulf Craft ........................................................ 17 322553 Delta Industrial Supplies Co WLL ....................... 17 813096 Gulf Diving Service ........................................... 17 727971 Delta Services ................................................. 17 257113 Gulf Equipment & Technology ........................... 17 700008 Det Norske Veritas ........................................... 17 212552 Gulf Fencing & Specialist Surfacing Est WLL ...... 17 591197 DFS Middle East F.Z.E ...................................... 17 740939 Gulf Industry Fair ............................................. 17 299123 Dheya Towfqi Engineering Bureau .................... 17 822006 Gulf Markets International WLL ......................... 17 226188 DHL International Express WLL ......................... 17 364100 Gulf Orbital Services WLL ................................. 17 680946 Drill-quip Asia Pacifc Pte Ltd ............................ 17 790552 Gulf Packing Company ..................................... 17 749040 CKG International UAE’s complete source for compressed air systems CKG International UAE’s complete source for compressed air systems CKG INTERNATIONAL FZE CKG INTERNATIONAL FZE YOUR AIR SOLUTION PARTNER P.O. Box : 50154, Sharjah, U.A.E., Mob: +971 55 4851079, +971 52 9352592,, [email protected] P.O. Box : 50154, Sharjah, U.A.E., Mob: +971 55 4851079, +971 52 9352592,, [email protected] YOUR AIR SOLUTION PARTNER UAE. KUWAIT. OMAN. SAUDI ARABIA UAE. KUWAIT. OMAN. SAUDI ARABIA 543-668ALPHABETICAL 2018.indd 618 3/6/18 3:39 PM