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727-738 OIL & GAS EVENT FINAL - 2018.qxp_Layout 1 3/5/18 11:33 AM Page 734 734 Oil & Gas Event Calendar 2018 Oil & Gas Directory Middle East - 2018 July 23-25, 2018 August 27-30,2018 August 27-29,2018 SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional ONS 2018 IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Resources Technology Technology Conference & Stavanger, Norway eneral nformation Conference Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) is one of the key Exhibition Houston Bangkok industry exhibitions and conferences for the As the industry starts its recovery from a long Since 1996, the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling offshore oil and gas industry. G downturn and the resulting stranglehold on Technology Conference and Exhibition has unconventional reservoirs, the timing of this established itself as the region’s leading drilling I meeting on unconventional resource technology Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) provides a event. Rotating biennially within Asia Pacific, it couldn’t be better. platform for the presentation of the political, provides the opportunity for operators, suppliers, economic and technological issues involving the With 3,500+ attendees, 300+ technical contractors, and service company professionals international oil and gas industry, as well as presentations and 150 exhibiting companies in to meet, discuss, evaluate, and share ideas to showcasing the latest innovations within the Austin in 2017, there is no doubt that the fifth advance drilling operations, promote solutions to 6.05 edition of URTeC was an overwhelming success. industry. ONS believes that Innovation is essential common problems, and improve overall for the development of new and cleaner methods efficiency and profitability. of energy production and as such, ONS 2018 will July 23-25, 2018 incorporate the ONS Innovation Park, which will International Conference on have a special focus on the oil and gas industry’s August 28-30,2018 Oil & Gas Event Calendar Petrochemical Engineering 2018 increasing reliance on cutting-edge technology. SPE Artificial Lift Conference & Kuala Lumpur Exhibition-Americas With a wide database of conferences around the The Woodlands, Tex., world, allows you to search for Join us for the SPE Artificial Lift Conference and international conferences and add your own August 14-16,2018 events. Our service is intended to inform the SPE Argentina Exploration & Exhibition—Americas in The Woodlands from community of relevant events and assist Production of Unconventional 28-30 August 2018. organizers, providing convenience for both Resources Symposium interested participants and the people and Neuquen This event will bring together artificial lift organizations behind the events. The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) invites professionals from across the western hemisphere and will focus on documenting new you to the Exploration and Production of technologies, case studies, and best practices in Unconventional Reservoirs Symposium to be held August 9-10,2018 artificial lift applications. International Conference & Expo in Neuquén, Argentina, 14-16 August 2018. on Oil & Gas This symposium will enable oil industry Madrid There will also be sessions to examine common professionals to share their acquired knowledge topics such as artificial lift selection, optimization, ConferenceSeries and its subsidiaries including iMedPub LLC and Conference Series Organise by exchanging experiences and discovering new and failure tracking and analysis. 3000+ Conferences across USA, Europe & Asia technologies. The end result of this exchange will with support from 1000 more scientific societies be an industry-wide avoidance of common and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals September 4-5, 2018 mistakes and an accelerated implementation of which contains over 50000 eminent FPSO World Congress personalities, reputed scientists as editorial the best practices in developing unconventional Marina Bay Sands, Singapore board members. resources cost-effectively. The FPSO World Congress debuted as a humble platform for project information and knowledge ConferenceSeries is an amalgamation of Open exchange surrounding a relatively new floating Access Publications and worldwide international August 15-16,2018 production solution that was quick to operation, science conferences and events. Established in Summer NAPE the year 2007 with the sole aim of making the redeployable and more cost-effective than any Houston information on Sciences and technology "Open other offshore development option: the FPSO. NAPE is the oil and gas industry’s marketplace Access", ConferenceSeries publishes scholarly journals in all aspects of Science, Engineering, for the buying, selling and trading of prospects Over the past two decades the application of Management and Technology journals. and producing properties. FPSOs has grown exponentially across the globe, ConferenceSeries has been instrumental in Founded in 1993 by AAPL, with partners IPAA, and the FPSO World Congress has matured with taking the knowledge on Science & technology to SEG and AAPG added over the next several it. Now in its 17th year, the World Congress the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. remains the most established global touchpoint Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, years, NAPE has become the largest organization for FPSO professionals, gathering senior and key Educational Institutions, Research centers and of its kind in the world, providing unmatched the industry are main stakeholders that stakeholders from oil companies, vessel venues for oil and gas professionals to meet, benefitted greatly from this knowledge contractors, financiers, legal firms, shipyards, dissemination. network, connect and do business. opportunities in the market.